• Learn the essential computing skills for NGS bioinformatics
  • Understand NGS analysis algorithms (e.g. read alignment) and data formats
  • Use bioinformatics tools for handling NGS data
  • Perform first downstream analyses for studying genetic variation
  • Compare different approaches for differential expression analysis

The purpose of this intense one week summer course is to get a deep understanding in Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) with a special focus on bioinformatics issues. Advantages and disadvantages of current sequencing technologies and their implications on data analysis will be discovered. You will be trained on understanding NGS data formats and handling potential problems/errors therein. In the summer school we will use a real-life RNA-seq dataset from the current market leader illumina.

All students will be enabled to perform important first tasks of NGS data analysis themselves. The layout of the summer school has been adapted to the needs of beginners in the field of NGS bioinformatics and allows scientists with no or little background in computer science to get a first hands-on experience in this new and fast evolving research topic.

In the evenings there will be social events, like a conference dinner, or a guided city tour through Berlin. These are always great networking possibilities.

Read our detailed course program.

  1. Linux for Bioinformatics:
    This module will introduce the essential tools and file formats required for NGS data analysis. It helps to overcome the first hurdles when entering this (for NGS analyses) unavoidable operating system.
  2. Introduction to NGS data analysis:
    Different methods of NGS will be explained, the most important notations be given and first analyses be performed. This course covers essential knowledge for analysing data of many different NGS applications.
  3. DNA Variant Calling: In this module different bioinformatics tools for variant calling will be described. We then apply various methods for variant calling and filtering using DNA-Seq data.
  4. RNA-seq Data Analyses: In this module different bioinformatics tools for RNA-seq alignment will be described and tested. We then apply and compare the various approaches for differential expression analysis using RNA-Seq.

Detailed Course Program

Linux for Bioinformatics

  • Introduction to the command line and important commands
  • Combining commands by piping and redirection
  • Introduction to bioinformatics file formats and databases (e.g. UCSC, ENSEMBL)
  • Usage of important bioinformatics toolkits

Introduction to NGS data analysis

  • Introduction to sequencing technologies from a data analysts view
  • Raw sequence files (FASTQ format)
  • Preprocessing of raw reads: quality control (FastQC), adapter clipping, quality trimming
  • Introduction to read mapping (Alignment methods, Mapping heuristics)
  • Read mapping (BWA, BWA-MEM, Bowtie2, STAR, segemehl)
  • Mapping output (SAM/BAM format)
  • Usage of important NGS toolkits (samtools, BEDtools)
  • Mapping statistics
  • Visualization of mapped reads (IGV, UCSC)

Analysis of genetic variation

  • DNA variant calling: methods and tools
  • Variant Call File Format (VCF)
  • Filtering and annotation of genetic variants

RNA-seq Data Analyses

  • Understand split-read mapping
  • Run different split-read mappers (tophat, STAR)
  • Run pseudo-alignment tool salmon
  • Understand the Tuxedo Suite (cufflinks, cuffcompare, cuffmerge, cuffdiff, etc.)
  • Understand the statistics behind DEseq2 and DIEGO
  • Quantify exons/genes/transcripts
  • Predict
    • Differential splicing using DIEGO
    • Differential gene expression using DEseq2
    • Differential isoform expression using cuffdiff
  • Create extensive diagnostic graphics with R
  • Apply your new skills by working on challenging exercises
NOTE: We will NOT cover single-cell RNA-Seq

Invited Speakers (short talks)

Prof. Dr. Manja Marz (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

Research Facility
Dr. Kristin Reiche (Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology)

Niroshan Nadarajah (MLL Münchner Leukämielabor GmbH)

Your summer school trainers

Dr. Gero Doose (ecSeq Bioinformatics GmbH)
Gero found and published several circularized RNAs in various RNA-Seq experiments. He specialized on split-read analysis some years ago and has a strong expertise in downstream analyses. Publications

Dr. Christian Otto (ecSeq Bioinformatics GmbH)
Christian is one of the developers of the read mapping tool segemehl and is an expert on implementing efficient algorithms for NGS data analyses. Publications

Dr. David Langenberger (ecSeq Bioinformatics GmbH)
David started working with small non-coding RNAs in 2006. Since 2009 he uses NGS technologies to investigate these short regulatory RNAs as well as other targets. He has been part of several large NGS projects, for example the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC). Publications


The target audience is biologists or data analysts with no or little experience in analyzing NGS data. A fundamental understanding of molecular biology (DNA, RNA, gene expression, PCR, ...) is assumed.

  •   Course materials
  •   Catering during the workshop
  •   High-performance workstations (no laptop needed)
  •   USB-Stick for taking home results and analysis
  •   Conference Dinner
  •   Guided city tour
  •   Networking opportunities


Location: PC-College, Stresemannstraße 78, 10963 Berlin, Germany
Language: English
Available seats: 30 (first-come, first-served)

Registration Fee: 1,449 EUR (excluding VAT)

Travel expenses and accommodation are not covered by the registration fee.

Travel Information - Berlin

Key dates

Opening Date of Registration: November 14, 2019
Closing Date of Registration: Septembter 20, 2020
Workshop: October 5-9, 2020 (9 am - 6 pm)


"Excellent workshop! Very well taken care of!! Great fun!!! Learned a lot!!!! and met very nice people!!!! After five days of smooth scrolling over a meticulous and interactive program one gets a good grasp of the intricacies of NGS data analysis. Many thanks!" Santiago Uribe-Lewis, BXT Consultants Ltd, UK

"Thanks to the very well designed and practical summer School for NGS data Analysis in Berlin I could find my feet and build up my mind in the early phase of my PhD project. I was looking for such a course for a while and barely could find this opportunity to practice NGS data analysis for both DNA and RNA approaches, having responseful mentors beside and a proper workstation available. I am very happy that I got this chance with ecSeq people." Atie Kashef, Universitätsklinikum Bonn, Germany

"It was really great performed training, prepared by experts in the field of bioinformatics. The course gave me the opportunity to play with data from RNA and DNA sequencing by myself. Now I can wait for my own results to analyze it." Agata Daszkowska-Golec, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

When you register for this workshop you are agreeing with our Workshop Terms and Conditions. Please review them before you register.

Any Questions? Please feel free to contact our events team.

ecSeq Bioinformatics GmbH
Sternwartenstr. 29
D-04103 Leipzig
Email: events@ecSeq.com