3rd Berlin Summer School - Meet Dr. Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio

Posted on March 25, 2019

Meet our invited speaker Dr. Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio

Dr. Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio is a bionformatics investigator at Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) in Stevenage, UK.

We are very happy to have Dr. Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio at our Summer School. He made the transition from academia to big pharma and can tell about pitfalls and opportunities.

Brief Resume

Dr. Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio studied biotechnology and bioinformatics in Bolognia, Italy. His PhD was focused on human population genetics, in the Evolutionary Biology group at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and his primary research goal was the development of methods to characterize events of genetic selection in the human genome. After his PhD, he became research associate at a Cancer Evolutionary Genomics‘s group at the King’s College of London, UK. There, he was interested in the system biology of cancer and in identifying new potential drug targets for this disease.

In 2016 he joined GSK, where he became a core member of a team that intents to dive into the 'data lake' and extract best business values. He explors technology, prototypes new data analysis workflows and data models, interacts with other data scientists, and designs new visualizations. Besides that, he performs target identification in oncology, manages these data and explores and supports new technological solutions for early drug discovery.

Alongside his career in academia and industry, he was (and still is) an author of a blog on bioinformatics and best programming practices (bioinfoblog.it) and a very active member of BioStars, a questions&answers community for bioinformaticians.

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