Posted on October 07, 2020
Huge congratulations to Emmanuelle Charpentier on the Nobel Prize
After we conducted an on-site course in the laboratory of Emmanuelle Charpentier (then at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig) in 2014 to train her PhD students in the application of NGS data analysis, we have made our software Seamless NGS available to her research group. Emmanuelle is an extremely intelligent and determined woman who, despite her incredible success, is neither arrogant nor stuck-up. There are few successful scientists who have kept their feet on the ground and always talk to their conversation partner at eye level.
"I congratulate Emmanuelle on winning the Nobel Prize and wish her continued success for the future. Science needs exceptional people like her, who not only conduct outstanding research but are also able to communicate this to the outside world. Emmanuelle can do both. I am already looking forward to future projects with her." David Langenberger, CEO of ecSeq Bioinformatics GmbH