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Recent posts

Getting started with NGS data analysis: An overview
Important file formats for NGS data analysis
Convert BCL to FASTQ files in Windows

General NGS analysis

NGS Benchmark - comparison of different read mappers
Getting started with NGS data analysis: An overview
Important file formats for NGS data analysis
Convert BCL to FASTQ files in Windows
What is a good sequencing depth for bulk RNA-Seq?
Is it possible to select any insert for Illumina sequencing?
Why do Illumina reads all have the same length when sequencing differently sized fragments?
Subject specific terms and wordings for NGS
How to calculate the coverage for a NGS experiment
How are base qualities calculated and stored?
How do strand specific sequencing protocols work?
Best RNA-Seq aligner: A comparison of mapping tools
Are there regions in the genome that are not covered by DNA sequencing?
Is there a bias after DNA fragmentation?
How can unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) help to reduce quantitative biases?
What is mate pair sequencing for?
Do you have two colors or four colors in Illumina?
Why does the per base sequence quality decrease over the read in Illumina?
How to analyze NGS data: An overview of nine different IT solutions
Trimming adapter sequences - is it necessary?
Convert nucleotide sequences with IUPAC codes to an regular expression
What is the best NGS alignment software?


How does bisulfite sequencing (WGBS/RRBS) work?

Code snippets for sequencing data analysis

Convert an interleaved fasta file to a single line fasta using only the Linux command line
How to get a coverage graph in WIG file format directly from an alignment (BAM)
Convert FASTQ to FASTA on the command line
Annotate mapping entries of a BAM file based on overlaps with BED files using BEDtools
Convert BAM to BED file format using command line perl
Add gzip/gunzip support to a program that doesn't have it (e.g. bowtie)
Extract a list of specific read IDs from a bam file
Run time-consuming processes in parallel on Unix systems